I have been a library groupie (I just made up that phrase. Nope,
I didn’t. I Googled it, here’s what I
found.) for a very long time. When new
libraries open in my area, I go visit them.
My husband claims that my past-due book fees over the years are what
financed my city’s library remodel. As
you can tell, a library job is exactly in my wheel-house!
My library (it’s mine now) is a small town one. I love
that! Because it’s a small operation, I
have the opportunity to work in nearly every aspect of library business. I am a
circulation clerk so that means I check books out to patrons, as well as get
books ready to go to other library sites for patrons to check out. I check books back in, both for patrons of
our library and ones returned from being borrowed at other sites. (I thought
after years of being a teacher I wouldn’t need to mentally run through sections
of the alphabet to correctly shelve books, but I do. I wonder if anyone can alphabetize without doing that!)
I get new materials ready to be added to our library, and fix damaged ones
too. And the very best part of my
job? I get to talk with people about
books. Books they’ve read, books I’ve read, and books we want to read. WOW!!! (And I get paid to do it! DOUBLE WOW!!)
As always, be good to yourself.
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