Wednesday, April 19, 2017

My Social Media “Presence”

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They say a writer needs to have “a social media presence” to be a successful author. The sooner the better, they say. By ‘they’ I mean all the web sites I’ve visited, all the articles I’ve read, all the podcasts I’ve listened to, all the books I’ve researched, etcetera, etcetera- that’s the  ‘they’ I’m talking about. They who seem to know. They who have experience. They who have connections. Them guys.

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That’s one of the reasons I have this here blog. One, to get more practice writing frequently and on a deadline, and, two, because they said I should.

But one site(this blog), does not “ a social media presence” make. My Facebook page can’t really count as a second site because it has nothing to do with reading books or writing books. It’s like most other people’s Facebook pages—you know- filled with pictures of little kiddos dressed up for Easter and dogs doing weird things.

That leaves me with a couple other choices like Instagram and Twitter. (And probably a few  dozen other social media sites that I’m not yet savvy to.)

Image courtesy of Google
Instagram’s focus is on visual media. Take a picture, give it a caption, and post it. Twitter allows pictures, videos and very short posts of just 140 characters or less.  (This is the length and breadth of my social media knowledge.)

My brother-on-law suggested I set up a Twitter account. He said I wouldn’t be sorry. He said I gotta have Twitter if I want a social media presence. So I did. I didn’t have any idea what I was doing. I had to ask a few people for advice and guidance, but that’s o.k.  I’m all about finding out information from those in the know.

And you know what? My brother –in – law was right. I’ve posted my blog to Twitter, but more than that, I’ve tagged some famous people in my tweets. That’s the very best thing about Twitter- you can send a message to ANYONE. 

I’ve receive messages back from (*fan-girl alert, fan-girl alert!*) several published authors!!!!!! EEK!

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Blake Crouch, author of, among others, Dark Matter; Heather Gudenkauf, fellow Iowa girl and author of, among others, The Weight of Silence; Ann Hood, author of, among others, The  Book That Matters Most; Sharon Creech, author of, among others Love That Dog; Sonya Sones, author of, among others, Saving Red; and, Kate Messner, author of, among others, Marty McGuire have all tweeted me, liked, or retweeted my messages. So Cool!
And, yes, I’ve saved every message I’ve received from these authors. Just like I’ve saved my rejection letters.  They’re all proof that I’m being a mover and a shaker in my chosen field.

Also because of my Twitter activity, bookish places have started to follow me on Twitter! How cool is that!?!
Courtesy of Google Images

Oh, and I just recently opened my private Pinterest board about THE INK OF TIME, so I guess that makes three. Hey, I’m on my way!

Now I just need to sell a book.
Working on that one, too. J

Let me ask you to do this: Seek out the advice of someone you trust on something that’s important to you. Their perspective will give you new perspective.

Until next time,

Be Good to Yourself,


P.S. You can tweet me @ NadineNmr

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