Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Thanksgiving vs. Goliath (Consumerism)

I am wholly annoyed at the consumerism of the so-called Christmas Season.

Image courtesy of Google
Why do stores insist on decorating for Christmas in mid-October? Who wants to walk down an aisle where that nasty clown costume from the movie It sits right next to sweet little Rudolph? It’s creepy.  One article I read called this phenomenon “The Christmas Creep.” It’s not Christmas’ fault. Christmas has nothing to do with what’s going on. Call it what it is. The Consumerism Creep or The Commercialism Creep.

Last night, three days before Thanksgiving, I was relaxing watching TV. At least I tried to relax but I couldn't because all of the TV commercials were for Black Friday sales. EXCEPT they weren’t. These greedy retailers were shouting out to whoever will bite, that they’re open on Thanksgiving Day with Black Friday specials. That's Pathetic.

What pisses me off is that Thanksgiving, one of the holidays on the top of my favorites list, is becoming  a phantom holiday. A mirage of the day that is a time-slowing oasis of sweet reflection and thanksgiving. Click here to read 10 reasons I like Thanksgiving over Christmas.

If I worked in retail and had to work on Thanksgiving Day, I would be one disgruntled employee. I would be so angry at every shopper, too. Major chain stores try to say that this is what consumers want. I believe the major chain stores have found a way to reel us in. Nothing like low, low prices to get our attention, right?

Same brand. Purchased at
two very different stores with
 two very different standards.
The cracker on the left is what
you'll be buying on
Thanksgiving Day sales.
I say you get what you pay for. Every major brand name has a variety of “levels” of quality. Consumers who think they’re getting the “best” because of a name brand are falling for a big marketing trick. You get what you pay for, friends. No such thing as a free lunch.

Stay home. Spend time with your friends and family. Save your money for a worthy purchase.
Courtesy of Google Images

Happy Thanksgiving.

Until next time,

Be Good to Yourself.


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